MEMORY AND RECALL – TRY SOME PEPPERMINT When it comes to memory and recall, there are dozens (or maybe hundreds) of clever tricks to help improve your ability to remember important information. There’s the old string-around-the-finger trick to help you remember to...
Feeling Anxious for an Exam? You’re Normal!

Feeling Anxious for an Exam? You’re Normal!

Feeling Anxious for an Exam? You’re Normal! Not many people would admit to enjoying the process of taking a test. For most of us, test-taking is an uncomfortable process which we endure to achieve a goal. To some degree, almost everyone feels anxiety when it comes to...

Certifications: A Quick History On a post about testing recently, a reader asked why so many fields require testing and certification. They wondered if it was just a way for governments to collect more money from people looking for a good job, or if there was some...

Practical Tips to Make Studying More Effective There are some easy methods to improve your study skills. If you’re like most people, you never took a class on how to study effectively in school. Many of us just had to figure it out on our own and do the best we...