by Kim Eldridge | Jul 5, 2023 | Candidate Health, Candidate Skills, Test Anxiety
AVOIDING PROCRASTINATION Techniques for Beating Procrastination Nearly everyone is guilty of procrastinating at some time in their life. Humans don’t like feeling uncomfortable, and we all have things that cause discomfort in our lives. Sometimes we’re good about...
by Kim Eldridge | Jun 15, 2023 | Candidate Health
A LITTLE FOOD FOR THOUGHT You Are What You Eat (And So Is Your Brain) We all know that eating well is good for your health, but did you also know that it’s good for your ability to learn and remember? According to research published in the Frontiers of Behavioral...
by Kim Eldridge | Jun 1, 2023 | Candidate Skills
CAN SPACED REPETITION IMPROVE MEMORY? There are dozens of different study tricks, and all of them have some merit. Of course, they don’t all work the same way for different people. It’s important to know your particular learning style so you can find the study tricks...
by Kim Eldridge | May 23, 2023 | Candidate Skills, Test Anxiety
REDUCING TEST ANXIETY WITH A PENCIL (OR MAYBE A PEN) There are a lot of suggestions on how to reduce anxiety before an exam, but have you considered writing about it? Research sponsored by the journal Science and supported by the National Science Foundation suggests...
by Kim Eldridge | May 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
MEMORY AND RECALL – TRY SOME PEPPERMINT When it comes to memory and recall, there are dozens (or maybe hundreds) of clever tricks to help improve your ability to remember important information. There’s the old string-around-the-finger trick to help you remember to...